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RIAI Bulletin 46

The Clavis Press
€ 4.75 

Beginning in 1972, the RIAI Bulletin was a monthly newsletter to inform Institute members of the wide range of matters with which the RIAI was involved. In addition to updates from the RIAI, issue #46 features articles discussing the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, conservation and re-use, and The 2000 Plan.


J. Owen Lewis

1984 - The Year for Change

Statement on the Building Control Bill 1984

Southern Report

Mid-Western Report

Northern Report

Western Report


Continuing Professional Development

New Members 

The Royal Hospital

Repair Work at the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham 1981-1984

John Costello

Specimen Structural Drawings for Modular Building


Conservation and Re-Use of Buildings

Dr E. Brendan Murphy


Europa Nostra Awards

New Roles for Architects

House Design Competition

Letter to the Editor


An Taisce Award

Society of Chartered Surveyors

The Architects' Golfing Society


Equipment for Sale

Cryptoporticus and Partners

Vicious and Vile


David Keane

The Liason Committee

Cut Price Tendering

Payments to Contractors

The 2000 Plan

Brian Hogan

Richview Open Day


RIAI Inaugural Address

Piaras Beaumont


Glass and China Shop, Dawson Street

Editor: J. Owen Lewis.

Authors: J. Owen Lewis, Daniel MacRandal, Gerard O’Callaghan, Tom Carr, Hugh Murray, Vicious and Vile, John Costello, David Keane, Brian Hogan, Piaras Beaumont, de Blacam & Meagher, Seamus Ruddy, Susan Roundtree, Bill Scott, John O’Mahony, Paddy McNeill, Eoin O’Cofaigh, Dr Brendan Murphy, Toal O’Muire, Uinseann Mac Eoin.

Southern Report, Council, New Members, Northern Report, Western Report, Mid-Western Report, Continuing Professional Development, Specimen Structural Drawings for Modular Building, Murray Collection: A fund-raising appeal, marketing, house design competition, Europa Nostra Awards, New roles for architects, An Taisce Award, Society of Chartered Surveyors, Lectures, Equipment for Sale, The Architects’ Golfing Society, Cut price tendering, Payments to contractors, Glandore, Notices, standards, circular, newsletter, committee, competition, conference, course, lecture, planners, membership, RIAI, Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland, Royal Hibernian Academy, AAI, Architectural Association ireland, NUI, Architectural Graduates Association, UIA, Richview, University College Dublin, UCD, professionalism, legislation, the public, Glass and China Shop Dawson Street, Martello Mews, de Blacam & Meagher, Diamond Redfern Anderson, Denis Anderson, The Royal Hospital, Repair Work at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Conservation, Registration, The 2000 Plan, The President’s Inaugural Address, Interior, 1984 - The year for change, Statement on the Building Control Bill, Conservation and Re-Use of Buildings, Architectural Award to Geoffrey Bannister, Richview Open Day

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